Home News GES Reinstates GHANASCO Headmaster After Suspension Over Students Sleeping In Toilets

GES Reinstates GHANASCO Headmaster After Suspension Over Students Sleeping In Toilets

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The headmaster of Ghana Senior High School (GHANASCO) has been reinstated with immediate effect by the Ghana Education Service (GES) due to a suspension for students using the bathroom as a dormitory.

The Ghana Education Service (GES) announced the temporary suspension of the school’s principal and senior housemaster on Sunday, April 16, 2023. They consider it inappropriate that the school is using a restroom as a sleeping area because the school must have enough space for 300 students to sleep in by law.

The Regional Director of Education filed a statement requesting the head and senior housemaster resign while an investigation is ongoing.

In a statement issued by the Head of the Public Relations Unit, Cassandra Twum Ampofo, it was revealed that “The Headmaster and the Senior Housemaster have been directed to step aside to allow for further investigations into the matter by the Regional Director of Education and report back in two weeks.”

GES immediately sent an investigation team to investigate the allegation and determine its truthfulness. After this, a lot of groups and establishments demanded that the GES reverse its decision immediately.

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) and Dr. Clement Abass, a member of Parliament for Builsa South, were among those involved. According to GNAT, the choice will have an impact on Doughlas Haruna’s confidence in the GES.

Former Finance Minister Kwabena Duffuor also expressed his concern over the quality of secondary education in the country. The NDC presidential candidate was shocked to learn that, after 66 years of independence, students are sleeping in toilets.

At this stage in the life of Ghana, after 66 years of Independence, some of our Senior High School children are being compelled to sleep in toilets because of the destruction of school facilities as well as the inability to rapidly replace/repair dilapidated structures… Ghana Secondary School (GHANASCO), Tamale, is nothing short of, sordid… While the rod is not being spared vis-a-vis the interdiction of the Headmaster, let the Policy Makers honestly work towards providing adequate facilities to support the educational transformation process.” Dr. Duffuor said.

Source – Tru News Report