Home News Ghana Institution of Geoscientists unveils ten strategic plans for 2024/25

Ghana Institution of Geoscientists unveils ten strategic plans for 2024/25

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By Edzorna Francis Mensah

The newly elected President of the Ghana Institution of Geoscientists (GHiG), Crisler Akwei Ankrah has outlined Ten strategic plans that he said will guide him and the team forward march of the Institution for the period of two years.

He said his administration will work to uphold the fundamental principles as established by our predecessors in order to contribute significantly to the national sustainable development of Ghana for future Generations to also benefit from their sweat.

His first point has to do with the Geoscience Act which will serve as a legislative instrument to regulate the activities of the Institute and to give it locus to help address some of our industry challenges that has brought great discomfort to “our environment and its people. By this bill GhIG will help to ensure accountability and ethical practices during the exploitation of our natural resources”.

Two: Collaborative Synergies and that, they will foster strong collaborations with key entities such as the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Ministry of Energy, WRC, MINCOM, Ghana Geological Survey Authority, the GNPC, professional bodies (GhIE, GhIS, WIAMM), and the Ghana Chamber of Mines. This collaboration aims to address geoscience matters and promote an integrated yet a cohesive approach to sustainable development.

Three: Membership Drive: they will soon launch a strategic membership drive to diversify the Institute’s membership base. This includes active engagement with council members, industry experts, fellows, honorary fellows, and various membership levels. A diverse membership will ensure a balanced and comprehensive perspective during discussions on geoscience and sustainable development.

Four: Fundraising Initiatives: they will establish internal machinery for fundraising activities to support the Institute’s programs and initiatives, ensuring financial sustainability.

The rest are: five, facilitating Start Up Projects by collaborating with the Sector Ministry to streamline and facilitate projects and professional development in the field of Geoscience, fostering innovation and growth.

Six: Newsletter and Webinar Series: Revitalize the quarterly newsletter and webinar series from the first quarter of 2024, offering valuable insights into topical issues facing the nation and for professional developmental agenda.

Seven: GHIGCON Conferences: We will ensure GHIGCON conferences witness massive participation from industry stakeholders and statutory bodies in the geoscience space in Ghana and West Africa. Themes and technical sessions will be selected to address topical and developmental-oriented issues.

Eight: 5-Year Strategic Plan: We will hit the ground running to develop a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan, building upon the initial goal set out by past administrations to guide the Institute’s growth and development.

Nine: Website Upgrade: We complete the full upgrade AND update of the Institute’s website to align with contemporary trends. This will address some of the glitches or crunchy scroll to enhance members’ experience and engagement with new menus coming up and,

Ten” Bi-weekly Super-Saturday Introduce a bi-weekly super-Saturday on social media platforms, setting the stage for members to discuss contemporary matters affecting the public in geoscience space.

He used his induction ceremony to acknowledge efforts of his forebears who set vision for the Institute several years ago, including the first female Geoscientists and first President, Mrs. Alexandra Amoako Mensah, Alhaji Iddirisu Yakubo, Prof. Daniel Asiedu, and Dr Anthony Appiah Duah.

He added that their dedication, sacrifice, time and resources has guided the Institute to its current state, and “we are eternally grateful. In our pursuit of excellence, we invoke the guidance of the Almighty God to strengthen us as we embark on this noble endeavor”.

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