Home Entertainment Ghanaians bash Otumfuo over closure of Oyarepa FM

Ghanaians bash Otumfuo over closure of Oyarepa FM

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Social media has reacted to news of the indefinite closure of a local radio station in Kumasi by the powers at Manhyia Palace.

The action was taken by the palace as a measure to address some statements made by politician and businessman Odike, aired on Oyarepa FM.

Odike had criticised Otumfuo Osei Tutu III and the Manhyia Palace for supervising the depletion of the forest reserves and the pollution of the water bodies thereof.

He blamed the “galamsey” menace which has reared its head in the Ashanti Region on the negligence of Otumfuo and the palace.

On social media, many have intimated that it was wrong for the revered traditional leader to take steps toward the closure of a radio station and become an impediment to freedom of speech.

Many also add that whatever Odike said about Otumfuo was right and shouldn’t have resulted in what they describe as witch-hunting.

Others have also hailed Otumfuo for showing leadership by shutting down the radio station.

@BongoIdeas wrote: Otumfuo is a typical authoritarian African leader. Despite his failures, he hates being called out, criticised or questioned. His poor area needs transformation and better leadership, not the chasing of critics (Oyerepa FM). All hail the egoistic king who has offered nothing!

@CheEsquire wrote: Otumfuo said at a public gathering that he knows some his sub chiefs involved in Galamsey and he did nothing about them or the situation – Galamsey is still going on in his kingdom. Odike repeats the same allegations and Manhyia is up in arms. People just hate the truth!

@papakwesi_jnr wrote: What has Otumfuo Ashantehene done about the abandoned project in the Ashanti Region?? If you’re a King who have the people at heart your influence for development should be felt

@viewsday wrote: What Manhyia did to Oyerepa reminds me of this Idi Amin’s quote “There is freedom of speech,but I can’t guarantee freedom after speech.” If you don’t agree, go to Otumfuo simple.

@korsogyimi wrote: The most powerful man in Ashanti Region and probably even powerful than the president is Otumfuo. You can argue with your keyboard !

@shatakumasi wrote: Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you can sit on a radio station and insult his imperial majesty Otumfuo!! They should just closed that useless radio station forever.

@KBNkansah wrote: All them media people outside Kumasi writing all those thing should come to Manhyia Palace just one day p3 and see if the laws of Ghana works there You will know Otumfuo is powerful

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