Home Sports Nana Yaa Brefo talks journalism and advocates for women in politics

Nana Yaa Brefo talks journalism and advocates for women in politics

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Celebrated journalist, Nana Yaa Brefo, has in an exclusive interview with Johnnie Hughes and Helen Appiah Ampofo shared insights into her dynamic career and the motivation behind her move to Onua FM.

Known for her outgoing and outspoken nature, Naa Yaa Brefo described journalism as a role of being gatekeepers – gauging what people think about. She said these on the #3FMSunrise Morning Show on February 5.

She also talked about her new show “Yesem Pa.”

Scheduled for launch on February 19, “Yesem Pa” on Onua FM promises to be a comprehensive program, delving into various issues affecting Ghana, including motivation, constituencies, social issues, relationships, sports, entertainment, and questions to the president, airing from 5:45 to 10 am.

During the interview, Nana Yaa Brefo raised concerns about the relatively low number of women in the political system in response to a question asked by co-host, Helen Appiah Ampofo.

She highlighted its potential dangers and emphasized that the underrepresentation of women not only affects personal relationships, but also poses threats to families and relationships with the government.

Expressing her fears for women in the political space in Ghana, Nana Yaa Brefo noted that societal assumptions about politics being a male-dominated arena need to change. She emphasized the importance of a political space for women and the need for assertiveness.

However, she highlighted the challenges faced by assertive women, who are often attacked on social media.

Drawing attention to the impact on young journalists, especially women, Nana Yaa Brefo highlighted the intimidation they face when asking tough questions, often leading them towards safer options like the entertainment space.

She argued that having more women in the political space would empower them collectively and discourage such attacks.

On a personal note, Nana Yaa Brefo admitted contemplating leaving the media space due to the challenges. However, the support from her followers encouraged her to stay.

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