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Public Accounts Committee directs NIA Boss Ken Attafuah to repay GH₵98K used for SSNIT penalty

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The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament has directed the Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authroity (NIA), Professor Ken Attafuah to refund over GHc98,000 that was deducted from the Authority’s Account as penalty for the delayed transfer of Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) contributions.

Aligned with the Auditor General’s recommendation, the Public Accounts Committee has affirmed that Prof. Ken Attafuah and the financial controller should be held accountable for the penalty’s cost.

The NIA, having failed to promptly remit SSNIT contributions, used the Authority’s funds to cover the penalty.

During a hearing before the PAC on Wednesday, February 7, Prof Attafuah was given a one-month deadline to refund the amount.

“The recommendation states that you must repay the money, and it should be retrieved from both the Chief Executive and the Financial Controller.

“While you have explained the reasons for not paying the withheld money to SSNIT, the committee finds your explanation unacceptable.

“Therefore, the Auditor General’s recommendation stands: the Chief Executive and the Financial Controller must refund the money to the recovery account of the Auditor General within one month.”

The post Public Accounts Committee directs NIA Boss Ken Attafuah to repay GH₵98K used for SSNIT penalty first appeared on 3News.

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