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You can’t force anyone to appear on your show – NMC to Oyerepa FM

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The National Media Commission has cautioned Kumasi-based FM Station against forcing people to appear on their afternoon show dubbed Oyerepa Afutuo hosted by Auntie Naa.

According to the media commission, Auntie Naa and her other panellists have no right to force people to come on their show when their cases have been brought there.

The instruction came about as a result of a complaint made against Oyerepa FM/TV by Daniel Gyapanin, the leader of the Jukwa Family in the Central Region’s Denkyira Agona Kwadwom Abusua.

In response to a complaint, the media outlet had asked Daniel Gyapanin to come on their show, Oyerapa Afutuo, but Daniel turned down the invitation.

The Oyerepa Afutuo talks about issues in Kumasi and the surrounding areas where people who are considered “failed” are brought to the show to face the judgment of the host, who is known as “Aunty Naa,” and the judges who back her.

But on April 25, 2023, an episode of the show caused a stir when hosts, guests, and panellists made foolish and disparaging remarks about Jukwa’s Denkyira Agona Kwadwom Abusua, Daniel Gyapanin, in relation to a case involving a corpse that went missing from the mortuary.

It stressed that participants are not required by law to submit to the presenter of the program, and the station should refrain from using coercion, threats, or ignoring the law when they refuse to participate.

“Therefore, where any party declines to participate in the programme, the station should not resort to intimidation, threats and disregard for the rule of law and due process in passing comments or drawing conclusions and judgement”, the statement read.

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