Home News Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr laid to rest at St Andrews Cathedral in Wa...

Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr laid to rest at St Andrews Cathedral in Wa | GBC Ghana Online – The Nation’s Broadcaster

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By Emmanuel Mensah-Abludo

The mortal remains of the late Catholic Bishop of Wa, Richard Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr, have been interred at St. Andrews Cathedral in Wa.

Among the dignitaries at the funeral mass for the late Cardinal were President Akufo-Addo and the Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana, Most Rev. Henryk Mieczyslaw Jagodzinsk.

GBC’s correspondent Emmanuel Mensah Abludo reports that the Wa Sports Stadium was filled to capacity by well-wishers during the requiem mass to pay their last respects to his Eminence Richard Cardinal Kuuia Baawobr of the Missionary of Africa.

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