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It’s Actually a Passport! – Ghanaian Expresses Uncontrollable Joy As He Uses Ghana Card To Board Flight Home | General News

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An ecstatic Ghanaian in a viral video has proudly displayed how the Ghana Card helped him to board a flight back home.

From the airport in Doula, Cameroon, the man, who said he was struggling to return home, revealed how the Ghana Card became his “savior” saying “the Ghana Card is actually a passport. The doubting Thomas’s should understand. I am currently at the Doula Airport in Cameroon, struggling back to Ghana and I used my Ghana Card”.

“Kudos to the NPP Government; kudos to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. May God richly bless Ghana and may God richly bless Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia”, he happily stated.

Ghana’s national biometric identity card, also known as the Ghana Card, contains machone readable chip which makes it function as an international travel document approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Due to lack of electronic visa services agreement between Ghana and many countries, Ghanaians, for now, are unable to use the Ghana Card to travel out of Ghana to countries requiring proof of entry visas.

However, for countries Ghanaians can travel to without entry visas such as West African countries, holders of the Ghana Card are able to use it for travel.

Also, from every airport in the world, Ghanaians who have lost their passports can use their Ghana Cards to board a flight back to Ghana.

At it was introduced over a year ago, some members of the opposition NDC expressed doubts over the ability of the Ghana Card to function as an international travel document.

However, many Ghanaians have proved the opposition wrong by providing concrete evidence of they using it to travel aboard various flights across the globe.

Source: Peacefmonline.com/Ghana



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